⭐👉 Streets of Rage Remake Games and Mods

⭐👉 What About Streets of Rage: The Rage Hammer?

The mod that we will present to you now is one of the most unusual mods for Streets of Rage Remake. It is a mix between Boss Rush and Survival modes but follows the linear development of the Beat 'em Up style. The game is called The Rage Hammer. Geminga is difficult and intense, the challenge great. This time the author has gathered in one place many enemies that come in large groups. And if it's a lot, it has all the maximum life points. Apart from that, most of your opponents will actually be the bosses of the game. Oh, this is it for pro and avid gamers, Streets of Rage fans! As you understand, the game is almost impossible to beat. Of course, everyone can test their skills. The author also provided one. A new item that you can use. At the beginning of each stage, you will also find The Rage Hammer. This one is so strong and powerful that it easily knocks your opponent off the screen with one hit, thus eliminating them. This will make things a lot easier, but The Rage Hammer is tricky to handle, and you have to be careful not to lose it.
Well, the game is exciting but also very tiring. The gameplay of Streets of  Rage: The Rage Hammer lasts about four hours and is in an intense Beat 'em Up. Fortunately, you can save your progress and then pick up where you left off.

Well, our team wishes you to have fun to your heart's content.

Technical information:

Developer: N/A

Engine: SoRR 5.1 [Download]

Genre: Beat 'em Up

Type: MOD

License: Free

⭐👉 Download  Streets of  Rage: The Rage Hammer
