⭐👉 Streets of Rage Remake Games and Mods

⭐👉 Rescue Metro City Classic [Streets of Rage Remake]


This is the Rescue Metro City Classic game created by Tarma. By its nature, this is a very high-quality mod for the Streets of Rage remake engine, which connects the two franchises into a common game story.
The story is quite interesting. The Evil Boss of Wood Oak City, Mr. X, has displaced Belger's syndicate and taken his place in Metro City. So now Haggar is looking for the heroes Axel, Blaze, Adam, and Zan to come to the rescue.
Rescue Metro City Clasic and assembled format that can be called trilogy plus. This is because it takes themes from all three Final Fight installments and adds a fourth scenario that is very well directed and engaging. Depending on which part of the game you choose, you'll be able to reach four different endings, and through SoRR's signature system of alternate routes, you'll be able to jump from story to story and replay the game differently each time. Metro City Classic is a wonderful beat 'em up game that will enchant you.

Developer: Tarma [Tarmagames Forum Page]
A small fix from us: The game was crashing on stage 3 scene 12 for SoRR 5.1 and couldn't continue past the end. That's why we've added an alternative way out that you can use. The game works perfectly!
Engine: SoRR V.5.1
Type: Mod [SoRR5.1 only]
Genre: Beat 'em Up
Class: Free Fan Games
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Need Installation
Instructions: Paste the mod folder into the games folder of engine.
⭐👉 Download: Rescue Metro City [Streets of Rage Remake]

New Weapons and Blaze Chars by Treamussa
⭐👉 Download the Patch

 ⭐👉 Download: Rescue Metro City [Advanced]
