⭐👉 Streets of Rage Remake Games and Mods

⭐👉 H.U.N.T.E.R. With Subway Mayhem by Don Vecta [Streets of Rage]

H.U.N.T.E.R. With Subway Mayhem by Don Vecta

Don Vecta presented for us, the fans of SoRR, some of the best mods that we can all play. And now here is another good story from this developer. H.U.N.T.E.R. With Subway Mayhem is a very rich and comprehensive mod that includes a new intriguing story about the fighters from Wood Oak City, a new plot, a new background, and music. Now you will be able to discover those parts of the city that, until recently, were hidden or unvisited. A new agency called H.U.N.T.E.R. takes on the protection of the city from the incoming gangs. The game is divided into several campaigns, from which you will be able to choose your own to play. They don't have to be consecutive, so the pleasure of which world you will dive into is entirely in your hands.
The gameplay is long—about two hours filled with a lot of fun. In fact, the element of impression and surprise is very strong. You will probably be very surprised, but Galcia has created his own syndicate in which he has included many of the leaders of Mr. X. Now this humble bandit rules the once powerful bosses and, in turn, wants to rule the city. The Streets of Rage have never been more interesting than in H.U.N.T.E.R. with Subway Mayhem.
The game also features many alternate routes that will make you want to replay it over and over again.

The character patch and weapons patch from Terramusa have also been added to the download file; to install them, you need to copy the contents of the file and paste them into the game's data folder.

Developer: Don Vecta [YouTube Channel]
Type: Game / Remake
Genre: Fighting Games
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Ready to Play
⭐👉 Download: H.U.N.T.E.R. With Subway Mayhem [Super Fast - Terabox]

