⭐👉 Streets of Rage Remake Games and Mods

⭐👉 Streets of Rage 2: Collection for V5 [Legendary Mod of SoRR by Don Vecta]

Don Vecta once again pleased the fans of Streets of Rage Remake with this spectacular mod for its time. It is a highly enriched version of the game and will open new paths and alternative routes for you.
Of course, each subsequent title is better, but the old classics are unrepeatable. It's worth downloading and, in turn, preserving as an emblem of this arcade culture.

Developer: Don Vecta [Game Forum]
Engine: SoRR V.5.1
Type: Mod + Character Patch
License: Free [Free to Download - Free to Play]
Status: Need Installation
⭐👉 Download: Streets of Rage 2: Collection for V5
[Streets of Rage Remake v.5.1 only]

How to Install the Game?
    Paste the mod folder into the ''mods'' folder for SoRR
Path: SoRRV.5.1/mod/Games
⭐👉 Download: Sketch Turner Patch [Only]
How to Install the Patch?
Paste the patch files into the ''data'' folder of the game!

That's it, play and have fun!
