⭐👉 Streets of Rage Remake Games and Mods

⭐👉 H.U.N.T.E.R. Mod of the Year by Don Vecta [Streets of Rage Remake]

 This is a demo for the game H.U.N.T.E.R. Mod of the Year by Don Vecta. Here we have presented some of the main features of this mod. It's great and free.

Developer: Don Vecta [Forum Page]
Engine: SoRR
Type: Game / Mod
Genre: Beat 'em Up
System requirements - very low
License: Free [Free Download - Free to Play]
Status: Needs installation
⭐👉 Download: H.U.N.T.E.R. Mod of the Year by Don Vecta
New Weapons and Blaze Chars by Treamussa
⭐👉 Download the Patch
